In 2013, ProfiDrum introduced their first connected control unit that could interface with a smartphone or tablet, an innovative solution that was followed in the market. ProfiDrum now takes the following leap. All our experiences of these years have lead to the introduction of a whole new way of filtration management named ProfiDrum Manager, a new innovative way of interactive and adaptive filtration management!
ProfiDrum Manager inherited predefined and advanced cleaning program knowledge, making our system fully adaptive to changing environments. You experience increasing debris, or your water level is lower than normal as you are performing a water exchange? No problem for ProfiDrum Manager, based on real-time measurements it quickly adapts by initiating a suitable cleaning program. As a user, you experience this by doing less work, as ProfiDrum Manager detects changes in a split second and validates and initiates internal programs. No more shutting down pumps, UVC or other equipment during maintenance as ProfiDrum Manager adapts and restore functionality when possible. It can automatically shut down and start pumps, UVC, and always maximises the availability of your system.
ProfiDrum Manager monitors, reports and act when needed, and delivered a truly unique experience. It has a modular construction and can be extended with additional modules like integrated temperature monitoring, pH monitoring, and GSM alarming.